A video reflecting on limited attention and overwhelming information in an attention economy.

Information Overload (2022)
Motion Digital

“What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients.”

Smartphones have massively altered the way we read and receive information. As screens become smaller, it is more difficult to finish long articles. We become more interested in shorter contents, such as an instagram post or a tweet. Social media and search engines fight for our limited attention with click-baits and hate speeches, amplifying our biases, and trapping us in our own echo chamber. When we are no longer the consumers but the consumed, the attention economy has risen.

Fragmented, noisy, ever-changing.

I turned my research into sarcastic memes and wordplays using motion graphics. The video is designed to be viewed on a mobile screen, mimicking our smartphone reading experience that is fragmented, noisy and ever-changing.

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