The Angry Box discusses what anger really is to individuals and how we should deal with such feeling. The box is made up of seven smaller boxes, each showing the process of me exploring anger.

The Angry Box (2019)
Print Experiential

Questionnaire - I started off by designing a questionnaire asking people how often they feel angry and how they deal with the situation.

Archive - Everyone has their own unique emotions. I collected 20 answers from the questionnaires, and made an archive for the 20 kinds of anger.

After gathering results from the questionnaires, I used pouring as an experiment to visualize/generalize such a personal emotion.

Zine Vol.1 Know It - What is anger? Exploring anger from a psychological and biological point of view.

Zine Vol.2 Say It. - We have been taught to supress our anger, but should we?

Zine Vol.3 Feel It. Manage It. - How to express anger in the right way? Based on scientific findings, I divided anger to 10 levels, described them and suggested solutions accordingly.

Some pages were designed to be used as a tool to vent anger in a non-violent way.

Postcards & Stickers - I designed a series of postcards and stickers for people to record when they feel angry, and how they deal with it.